In the News: Inconvenient Truth of Gore, Bush, Blair ; Sustainability @ Bush, Blair, Cheney, Exxon; Algae waves of Bush, Gore, Clinton; ethanol waves of Bush, Gore, Clinton; megatrends of : Inconvenient Truth, world is flat , death of distance, social entrepreneur, change the world, economics revolution
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Invitation: Space Race- open source script by Future Historians Club of Bethesda
22 years ago my father 1 2 3 , who deputy edited The Economist over 4 decades and I, co-authored the first future history on Death of Distance (DoD) networking. In part it was dedicated to the great societal futurist George Orwell. It was also the biggest story to emerge from dad's survey for The Economist of 1976 on Entrepreneurial Revolution as the dynamic that enables society to transform futures beyond what administration by the current system is capable of innovating.

DoD's core scenario: what would happen to a world if its largest organisations did or did not include sustainability of human life and nature in the way they report value? What consequences will compound from only spreadsheeting performance around how much can we take from the world each quarter? Nightmare scenarios of globalization turn humanity against itself if governance professions such as accounting, economics, law exclude goodwill systemically and do not hippocratically care for what future consequences networked systems will spun/compound.

GATHERING STORM of 2005-2010
Our storyline saw the 1984-2024 generation as determining what globalisation will compound for future generations and the whole globe. As we pass the halfway mark, 2005 in our book we enter humanity’s most critical years because the exponential curves of sustainability will be uptilting or downtilting in ways that make intervention/reconciliation ever more costly (ultimately impossible) if we are globally downtilting on such contexts as clean water, clean energy, clean air, clean food chains, cross-cultural safety, collaborative prevention systems which detect the first signs of disaster waving interlocally due to the terror of natural or human instability. Every downtilting context capable of ending humanity in a few generations time becomes its own collaboration space race to network a sustainable way up to a higher order system. From the State of the Union address, American media has permission to ask how will we end addiction to dirty energy and to devaluing the way society heroises learning about science at every level of educational curricula fit for a networking century.

Since 1984 all our friends have been co-hosting dialogues which enable us to map who has the deepest reconciliation approaches for each hi-risk context of losing sustainability. We also open source the maths of mapping lost trust, lost transparency , lost sustainability around any global market sector’s deepest consequences for humanity. Tell us at what context interests you and we can help map you to a few leads to people who can give deep testimonies and have open networks ready and waiting to help transform systems whenever there is sufficient public awareness and demand to simultaneously transform across many nations. We also have many open source scripts such as this 22 year old one on the role that public media can play in inviting people everywhere to open source 30000 community-up projects for turning round communal trust and relationship reciprocity out of every locality. Our Club of City and Village Blog Correspondents invite you to play with any future history script whose context most concerns you and yours.


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