In the News: Inconvenient Truth of Gore, Bush, Blair ; Sustainability @ Bush, Blair, Cheney, Exxon; Algae waves of Bush, Gore, Clinton; ethanol waves of Bush, Gore, Clinton; megatrends of : Inconvenient Truth, world is flat , death of distance, social entrepreneur, change the world, economics revolution
Co-blog for Bethesda or 100 CLUBOF City and Village- or post a vision for your city
Invitation: Space Race- open source script by Future Historians Club of Bethesda
As Entrepreneurial & Deep Democracy 1 2 Plots go, ecosaintjames revolves round a fairly simply idea

1 Saint James identifies the top person in your country as speaking out for what humanity around the world will trust most -Her Majesty's last update to the Commonwealth was on Christmas day: please debate whether globalisation is turning humanity on itself through every minute of your working days

2 Eco is founded by a guy who believed in preneurial challenges to the future as the way to innovate economics and free up underused assets - let's start in the 1800s as a weekly paper and end the corn laws was the only brief The Economist ever had (oops end capital punishment too was the other); Eco becomes the world's first global viewspaper by storyteling future history scripts that leaders simply feel they must give a play read to because reality-making what the world wants most is so more publically fun and valuable as a form of leadership than enslavening everyone in spreadsheet numbers constructed round separate boxes, the past, and never investing in people only in machines

so if that's how London's ecosaintjames works, how about Bethesda, Md? the first out of Washington DC suburb on the red line

well Thomas Friedman 1 2 3 4 5 6 (today the world's most popular Future Historian) got 1.3 compatriots reading about how the networking world is going flat; how green is the next red, white and blue; and how brave a moment it could be for Bush to jettison the past

and George Bush got 20 CEO leaders to write up the gathering storm and conclude verily that death of distance networking mans that the Union does need to preneurially free itself from addiction to the petroluem economy, and the rest could be the future if Club of Bethesda's death of distance Future Historian Club can open source its scripts fast enough for this to be game that every American loves playing collaboratively as well as competitively - but that's where we need to look out for 4 more villages-

as we map out the landscape we will see that the DC region has a few advantages over London's vilages; a few disadvantages, but then there is no reason why not trade both to multiply the best of each other's worlds for humanity, other thahn the fact that 4 big global accountants may feel their monopoly is ended, as separting out just too much Unseen Wealth for any boardroom's governance to want to be drowned by again.


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