In the News: Inconvenient Truth of Gore, Bush, Blair ; Sustainability @ Bush, Blair, Cheney, Exxon; Algae waves of Bush, Gore, Clinton; ethanol waves of Bush, Gore, Clinton; megatrends of : Inconvenient Truth, world is flat , death of distance, social entrepreneur, change the world, economics revolution
Co-blog for Bethesda or 100 CLUBOF City and Village- or post a vision for your city
Invitation: Space Race- open source script by Future Historians Club of Bethesda
Space Race for Clean Water Launched

Looking for 21 of the world's deepest voices for clean water

First Calls issued to networks of, , can you help open network?

This on the day that 85 evangelicals petitioned the white house to end global warming

more on both stories in Bethesda's section on Green is the Next Red White & Blue first announced by fellow-Bethesdan Thomas Friedman , Dec 2005 on Charlie Rose PBS tv show

Bethesda is also a few miles from Harrison Owen, epicentre of Open Space and about 17 from President Bush whose state of Union speech 2005 and 20 Gathering Storm Leaders have launched the goal of ending US addiction to petroleum economics

chris macrae, 301 881 1655


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